On 13-15 April 2023, Sweden participated (for the first time) with a three-person team in the Austrian Young Physicists Tournament 2023 and took home a bronze medal.

AYPT is Austria’s national selection tournament, but foreign teams are also invited. This year there were 5 three-man teams from Austria and 7 foreign teams (Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Sweden).
Over two days, the Swedish team competed by; presenting their solution to one of this year’s IYPT problems, acting as an opponent to another student’s presentation and acting as a “reviewer” during another stage. After each round, the team is given points by a jury, which are then averaged, weighted and added up to a final score.
The Swedish team performed at their best and were in 4th place after the first round thanks to their score of 40.4. After the three preliminary fights, they ended up in 7th place with a total of 133.3 points (out of a possible 180) which gave Sweden a bronze medal – Sweden’s first medal since the silver in IYPT 2019. Well Done Team Sweden.
We would like to once again thank all the students who participated, thank all the supervisors who have assisted the students as well as our sponsors and partners. Without you, IYPT in Sweden would not have been possible.